Fun DIY make-over

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Recently, we had another children's room swap in the house. Our 13-year-old daughter, who is our eldest, got a bigger room, and the youngest got hers. Both ended up with a bigger room, so everyone is happy!
But for me, this meant another small job. The room of a 13-year-old girl is very different from that of a 6-year-old girl. I felt the OSB board looks very cool in a room for an adolescent, but I found it too harsh for our youngest. You can’t really paint such a wall because of its structure, so wallpaper is really the only option. A very nice option actually, that makes all the difference!
Roomblush wallpaper
Online I found a lovely, crisp wallpaper by Roomblush, a beautiful wallpaper brand known for its fresh graphic prints. I think this style has a Scandinavian feel to it, and that is exactly the style I like.
At first I thought that we would struggle to paste the wallpaper onto the wall because of the rough surface. But this turned out not to be a problem at all. I bought a bucket of ready-to-use Bison wallpaper adhesive for non-woven wallpaper. I used a block brush and applied the strips to the wall one by one. The non-woven wallpaper did not need to be covered with adhesive, so it was super easy!
We chose the Pieces Red!
The dotted lines on each strip of the roll were also super handy because they showed us exactly where each strip ends.
And since this non-woven wallpaper is thick and of high quality, you don’t see any imperfections from the wall behind it.
The result was exactly as I hoped it would be!
The white background keeps the room nice and bright. The warm copper and brown tones add a bit of warmth. And these natural colours go perfectly with the wooden (IKEA IVAR) cabinet and the rattan accessories (Mirror: XENOS) (Chair: I love the combination of the natural drawings on the wall with the natural materials in the room!
And since we put in a double loft bed, there is still plenty of space to play!
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